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Writer's pictureIsabelle Zimmerman

You want me to do what?

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

In October of 2019 at the Joshua Retreat in Newton, North Carolina, I experienced a breath work given by Genevieve I am a Heartmath certified mentor that teaches meditation and hypnotist. Genevieve breathwork class was so different. This breathwork class got me into a different state of consciousness that feels similar to hypnosis. What is fascinating is through this flooding of oxygen, the breathwork, it releases the natural DMT in us. Dimethyltryptamine is universally in nature. It is an ancient messenger molecule found in all animals and plants. What is it for?

Why of course to connect you with your innerbeing. Everyone has the ability to connect with their innerbeing (SOUL). The following link is a great documentary about DMT to watch if you are inspired

Fast forward to April of 2021, I sign up for breathwork weekend and received greater clarity. I received the message that it is time for me to gather the teachers and start teaching, an important step to assist with humanity. It was time for me to move out of my house and travel. Gather the teachers Isabelle was the message. We needed to practice and gain confidence in our teaching abilities. Our teachings and work will heal those in need of healing. Now when I say heal, you are perfect. Really what we are doing is helping you find your own inner power, empowering you, by helping you process fear, move stuck energy and raise your vibration.

After I left that weekend I had my next steps but I had know idea of the how and when. What do I tell my family? I had started to make changes and at this time. I had already left my corporate career. When Nikki Fouere and I met, I felt we would teach one day together, she too felt it but we had no idea what. The inspiration came and we co-created Ascension Teachings and Integration an eight week online course. You can check out Nikki an amazing therapist and teacher If you need help doing inner child work, she's your person.

We finished the course together and learned so much. Our students were wonderful and we grew close. It was beyond my expectations and how nice is that!

You would think the other side would stop pushing . . . nope. I got, it is time to clear the heart they said. Many humans have heart walls and are blocked. And so now here I am doing another class, but this time in person with my friend Cate Gaffney

Again I had know idea of when what and where. . . you know all of those questions that race from the ego mind. My friend Jodie offered her home for us to gather and September 10 to 12, 2021 we are doing a heart healing weekend near the beach and fifteen minutes from Atlantic City, in New Jersey. She said, yes Isabelle come! September all the tourist have gone and this is a great space. And so Cate and I are diving into creating this time and space for a group of folks. So am I scared? Not really, Cate and I have been doing healing work and know so many modalities between us. I also know those who come will be our sisters and brothers. Nothing is random. If you want to join us

Now you have me as a college graduate telling you this story. I have pushed past lots of fear, processed fear, gone through physical pain, emotional pain, you name it! The reason why I share this story with you my friend, is that I want you to know that you will always have to push past fear to follow inspiration. It is the design of the game. Why must we cross fear? Why to gain confidence, trust and believe in ourselves. And how beautiful is that!

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