Gifts and Shop
Raise your vibration! Unlock your great potential of love and magic within you. Check out these divine gifts!
Unlocking Magic is all about unlocking YOUR Inner-Magic. You are a Divine Being that has forgotten their own personal power. We are in the Grand Ascension changing the paradigm from fear, control and self-imposed limitations moving into love, freedom and limitless potentiality.
This is a channeled book and interactive journal designed to raise your vibration and tap into the magic that resides within YOU.
Assisting YOU in your Ascension with teaching moments full of wisdom and magic.
We are elated and ecstatic to join YOU on a magical journey of self discovery.
Inner Magic Children's Oracle Card Deck
Developing your intuition is a practice. In ancient times we worked with the children to connect with their own inner magic. It is why spirit inspired me to bring these forth to once again encourage this practice in modern times. These fun and vibrant cards that contain positive guidance, along with games to develop intuition. Orderable on Amazon.
More Attracting Wisdom Apparel
My greatest wish came true. A pack of strangers recognized the term lightworker and then clapped. Wear it proudly ground crew! On Amazon, under Brand Attracting Wisdom.