National Certification Board
Therapeutic Massage Board
This is self-care and self-love daily practice. To rejuvenate and maintain a high level of balance and harmony. To be aware of your own energetic patterns of self-talk and develop a self-love practice. Success is awareness. This course will give you tools that you can use to align and bring coherence to your body and mind. Awareness of self-talk and practice self-love.

Self-Love to Success
Comprehend heart coherence, self-regulate, and understand the benefits of meditation. Experience ahow you feel before and after. Teaching meditation with a few simple techniques can align you be feel balanced.​
Learn how to self-regulate and release immobilizing energy. Will be able to use this tool to manage and maintain emotional stability. Calm an overstimulated autonomic nervous system. ​
Learn how self-talk creates an energetic pattern that creates behavior. What are you saying to yourself. How to change the self-talk to self-love. You will be able to identify your own self-talk that is typically hidden. You will be able to understand how to begin changing your own self-talk to self-love.
Learn how to reach for a higher thought frequency. "Changing the Station" to a different band of thought frequency. Understanding how a higher frequency can impact your actions or non-action to success.​
We will then practice and identify changing the self-talk into self-love. We will incorporate a daily self practice that will take just a few minutes to align the mind, body and heart.
This will allow you to have focus and clarity that can facilitate change. This is why we are combining these two practices, because when the mind and body are in a peaceful state, you can raise your vibration to greater potentiality.

What to expect?
10:00am-10:15 am Live Zoom Call
Instructor/Student Introductions
The science around the heart and neurons of communication that is sent from the heart to the brain. The heart is the command center in our bodies. Further teachings on mind and heart connection. How it impacts the body, focus, sleep, and mental health. Group meditation and class participation. Written steps on how to implement this simple daily practice of breathing and meditating.
10:50am – 11:00am Break
Gaining an understanding between the difference of high frequency thoughts to denser, static, lower fear-based thoughts the impact of self-talk. Group exercise to feel these higher frequency thoughts vs. lower denser thoughts within their own body. We then move into self-talk examples and how to move it into self-love.
11:50am-12:00am Break
12:00am-12:50 pm
Another practice of meditation. Students will be able to identify their own self-talk, Students will then be able to reach for a higher thought of frequency. “Changing the Station” to a different band of thought frequency. Meaning self-love. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in changing the station. Students will make apparent how it has impacted their actions or non action to success.
12:50am-1:00pm Break
Review of course material and summarize. Reinforce with students their own actions steps and understanding to be aware of their own self-talk and self-love (the energetic patterns ). How they will continue to these best practices of self-love and meditation into their daily lives for success. Questions and Answers, Conclusion, Evaluations.
"What people say about Isabelle!"

Amy Pons
Isabelle, an incredible human and soul who has helped me throughout my soul journey and I’m so grateful that she is in my life on this plane as I know we’ve met on others as well.

Brendaliz Acosta
I could talk to Isabelle for hours, she is like an addiction.

Phil Ayles
You almost think that Isabelle is too good to be true, but she is TRUE!