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Sun, May 19



Money Love of May 19 2024

Heal your relationship with money and once and for all release all blocks!

Money Love of May 19 2024
Money Love of May 19 2024

Time & Location

May 19, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT


About the event

Heal your relationship with money and once and for all release all blocks!

This event is only for Teachers, Lightworkers, Starseeds and Healers that have the ability to connect to consciousness and Spirit Guides. We will be connecting to money in a profound way through the heart and through our third eye.

We will be performing magic.

Please have coin or a dollar/pound, whatever is your countries currency to bring with you at this event. We need to anchor it here on this plane of existence. It will be a 90 minutes.  You do not have to be on camera if you do not wish. You will need to be in a quiet place in order to do the magic.

This event is for those who have the ability to connect and go within.

If you hold any vibration that is not serving you around money:

Money blocks,

Beliefs and fears,

Ancestral karma,

Any and all conditioning around the programming around money

then this is the event for you.

The long lasting freedom around money has been remarkable. All my conditioning around money evaporated in the most loving mind blowing way imaginable.  Well right after we did the magical ceremony the healer texted me the following:

J.S. - "Ok this is wild. I went into my PayPal and had $500 just sitting there waiting to be transferred to my account. I knew I had some orders but not that many! Thank you money spirits! It's on already!"

A.Z . "I was won a walk before with my doggy and I have visuzlized a door . . . And when I opened this door . .  Money jumped out and hugged me."

K.S.  - "I mean, I was gonna say like with me Money I really never cared for but I always had it so always found myself giving it away to users I always see money rain and see that visual all the time If I see it, I know I'm gonna get it But I always find myself being used because of my heart. But I want to do good with it. So when you were speaking about good and doing things with it, that's my journey. I want to use it to better things, not just give it to users. But the peaceful part was that I could control it. That's the problem. I've never been able to control it.

The New Belief 

  • I can do good with money. I can control it. I no longer blame money for I now understand it was I that always had the power. I have the choice to now use money for the highest good. What I download from is freedom.

C.G.  - "And so what I'm experiencing now is that the projection of how I think the relationship's going to be, like the relationship that I've had with other people, it's off that projection is no longer on the money and the money is neutral and the money can love me.

In a healthy whole way versus. This is me thinking it's gonna love me. How it's all of a sudden It's more powerful than the projection that I put on it and it's going to love me and work with me in a way It's it that's powerful versus how I was saying it was going to be So almost like I'm allowing it to be itself yes yes Instead of yes instead of you projecting the whole blah blah blah blah blah Yeah It's for you to see it's love by it.

The New Belief for Cate -

  • Money can love me

A.Z.  - That money loves us.  The New Belief 

  • That money loves us. And that we love money.

M.P. - "It's almost like the money had the power over me before I was intimidated, you know, and then had no relationship with it. Now I understand that it's nothing to really be worrying or fear. It's just a tool. and I can tap to it, into it, and it's time." The New Belief 

  • There is nothing to fear, money does not have power over me. I am in a new relationship with money.

And as for me?  Weird and magical experiences keep showing up. It is like I magnetized money. I am even finding coins everywhere. It is like money is being thrown down to me. It is wild. I can't explain it. You have to experience it yourself.

After doing over 1000 soul healing regressions, I  sense that this combination of magic and hypnosis has lead to a profound change in beliefs and vibration.  And we are also evoking a beautiful Genni to assist. 

You know once you change the energy, greater potentiality and opportunties exist in your own physical reality.

I can't wait to share it with you. I can't wait for you to have this experience. As I would say is that this is a holly shit. I am opening up this event to those who have a basic understanding that Consciousness exists. That they are not just Physical Matter and that you have a SOUL.

P.S. Book now and change how you FEEL about money and move it into LOVE.


  • 1 hour 30 minutes

    Ceremony and Meditation



  • Online Ceremony Magic Money Lo

    +$2.48 service fee



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